Gartner®: Avoid Mobile Application Security Pitfalls


Gartner®: Avoid Mobile Application Security Pitfalls



Detect intruders in your software supply chain.

Attackers will always find a way to compromise your software supply chain, but with honeytokens, you can stay one step ahead. Deploy at scale, monitor for unauthorized use, and detect intrusions before it's too late. With Honeytoken, you'll know where, who, and how they're trying to access your confidential data.

Okta's source code stolen after GitHub repositories hacked

Okta, a leading provider of authentication services and Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions, says that its private GitHub repositories were hacked.

CircleCI security alert: Rotate any secrets stored in CircleCI

On December 29, 2022, we were alerted to suspicious GitHub OAuth activity by one of our customers. This notification kicked off a deeper review by CircleCI’s security team with GitHub.

Twitter's Source Code Leak on GitHub a Potential Cyber Nightmare

Twitter experienced a source code leak, which involved a portion of its codebase being uploaded to a GitHub repository. The leaked code reportedly contained some of the social media platform's internal tools and capabilities.

Safeguard your software supply chain with Honeytoken

  • While fortifications and controls like SCM governance, IAM best practices, cloud security posture hardening, and secret scanning can significantly improve the security posture of an organization, the sad truth is that no security measure is foolproof. Even with the implementation of advanced security frameworks like SLSA or NIST SP 800-161, there's still a risk of getting breached.
  • Attackers are becoming more sophisticated in their tactics and constantly trying to penetrate even the most well-secured systems through your software supply chain components, including SCM systems, CI/CD pipelines, and artifact registries.
  • Exposed credentials or secrets found especially in source code, configuration, or logs can enable lateral movement for attackers.

Unveiling the key players in honeytoken deployment and management

One powerful platform for developers, site reliability engineers, and secops analysts.


As code owners, devs will place the honeytokens

Help disseminate the honeytokens with a simple and fun workflow.


Holds high privileges in the infrastructure

Deploy honeytokens on Terraform files in S3 buckets, CI environment variables, and the vault using ggshield.


Plays a crucial role in the Honeytoken initiative

Create, manage, monitor honeytokens, and respond to alerts generated by them. Utilize automation for dissemination.

How does GitGuardian Honeytoken work?

Step 1

Create a honeytoken through the GitGuardian dashboard or API.

Step 2

Copy the honeytoken and deploy it in your code, Jenkins environment, etc.

Step 3

The attacker gets access to the system and trips over the honeytoken.

Step 4

We send instant alerts to notify your Security and SOC team.

Honeytoken logo

Trick the Attacker. Track the Attack.

Stop intruders in their tracks and safeguard your SDLC with GitGuardian Honeytoken. Attackers using automated detection can't help tripping over such honeytokens.

Get an ultimate safety net for your entire perimeter.

  • Embed honeytokens across the SDLC, including your laptops, source control, CI/CD pipelines, internal registries, internal wikis, messaging, and project management tools.
  • Be alerted only for genuine security threats. Our detection engine distinguishes honeytokens from real secrets incidents, resulting in a low false positive rate.
  • Each time you fix a secret with GitGuardian, use a sweet trick - create a honeytoken with GitGuardian API or CLI, ggshield and catch intruders quick!
Output of using the IaC checks provided by ggshield

Be the first to arrive on the scene in case of an intrusion.

  • Receive instant alerts reducing Mean-Time-To-Detect a breach to a few minutes.
  • Easily integrate granular event alerts with your favorite SIEMs and ITSMs using custom webhooks.
  • Investigate triggered honeytokens with relevant information, such as the IP address of the intruder, timestamp, source, contextual tags, and the event that triggered it.
  • Respond accordingly to the triggered honeytokens with our guidelines.
Output of using the IaC checks provided by ggshield

Early Detection. Easy Deployment. Minimal False Positives.

Detect and limit the impact of supply chain security breaches

  • Easily deploy honeytokens in your software supply chain to detect any breach there.
supply list logos
  • Protect multiple repositories by creating honeytokens on a large enterprise scale using our public API.
  • Gain automatic visibility of your codebase and honeytokens, allowing for easy identification of their accidental placement in multiple repositories.
Output of using the IaC checks provided by ggshield

Detect code leakage

  • Be alerted about the leak of your honeytoken on public GitHub with the “Publicly exposed” flag.
  • Identify public leaks of your private repos and prioritize the remediation of secrets in those repos.
  • See contextual information on how the honeytoken was triggered.
  • Save time and resources with an easy way to detect code leakage and prevent further data loss.
Output of using the IaC checks provided by ggshield

Secure time for remediation of historical secrets incidents

  • Deploy honeytokens across every repo with a secret leak occurrence for instant breach detection while you focus on resolving incidents at scale.
  • Prioritize accordingly if any valid secrets were found in codebases where a honeytoken was triggered, and invalidate those credentials as soon as possible.
  • Receive immediate alerts when private code goes public, enabling rapid measures to protect exposed secrets and prevent unauthorized access.
Output of using the IaC checks provided by ggshield

#1 Security app on

the GitHub marketplace

Trusted by security leaders at the world’s biggest companies

I recently saw the Honeytoken beta, and I'm impressed with the concept, level of detail, and information they provide when honeytokens are triggered.

I discovered that GitGuardian offers a new type of flag that is “publicly exposed”. This flag is  designed to detect when a token has been leaked on public GitHub repositories.

This will help us quickly identify when a token has been leaked and take action to mitigate the potential security risk. It's an extra layer of protection that would give us peace of mind knowing that our sensitive information is being monitored and protected.

Honeytoken resources


Intrusion Detection Through Cyber Deception: Disrupting Attacks With An Active Defense

Read the blog >


Honeytokens - Protect Your Holy Grail

Read the blog >


Launching GitGuardian Honeytoken: your powerful ally in detecting supply chain breaches!

Read the blog >
Saas Sentinel Logo

Discover SaaS Sentinel, our new GitGuardian lab project leveraging Honeytoken

Be notified about supply chain breaches on your favorite SaaS tools.

Discover more now!

Deploy honeytokens effortlessly in your SDLC for high-value and accurate alerts.

Hi 👋

Let us show you why developers and security leaders trust GitGuardian.

The most valuable feature is its ability to automate both downloading the repository and generating a Software Bill of Materials directly from it
We have around 110 repositories and if we had to remove something one-by-one it would be very hard, but with this solution we can do so from all of them at the same time, which saves us months—not even days—but months.
For remediation, GitGuardian is quite good at pointing out all the incidents and helping us handle them.
The biggest lesson we have used from using GitGuardian is that we should have started using it earlier.
GitGuardian's ability to pull developers in and turn them into security analysts is quite helpful.
Initially facing over 10,000 incidents, we reduced them to 2,700, marking a 60 to 70 percent increase in detection efficiency.
GitGuardian has increased our detection rate by a factor of 10 at least. And our mean time to remediation has been decreased.
We know that if someone is leaking something critical or a secret, it will be detected pretty fast by GitGuardian and we will be alerted in minutes.
With the search keyword capability, we have good surveillance over our potential blind spots.
Read PeerSpot verified reviews

Hi 👋

Let us show you why developers and security leaders trust GitGuardian.

With GitGuardian you receive updates in real time whether that directory has a vulnerability or not.
GitGuardian is the Hero You Never Knew You Needed.
It never fails to notify me when I have accidentally exposed a secret , which unfortunately happens more than I'd like to admit.
If we are working on serious projects like an organization or company then GitGuardian is a must to use thing according me 🥰.
GitGuardian has high True Positive Rate and reduces alert fatigue with smart occurrences regrouping.
GitGuardian Internal Monitoring has had a positive impact on our overall business objectives.
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Read TrustRadius verified reviews

Hi 👋

Let us show you why developers and security leaders trust GitGuardian.

Esta herramienta es invaluable para mantener la integridad y seguridad de mis proyectos.
Never lets you escape any critical data.
GitGuardian has helped me improve my security practices and protect my code from unauthorized access.
Coupled with the low price point, this is a HUGE win for our team + code base.
Esta herramienta es invaluable para mantener la integridad y seguridad de mis proyectos.
Never lets you escape any critical data.
No items found.
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