DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


DevSecOps Blueprint: from Vulnerability Management and Security-by-Design to Pipeline Integrity


Secure your communication infrastructure while accelerating your innovation

GitGuardian offers Telecommunications Companies a multifaceted approach to ensuring infrastructure and service security, including continuous detection of code vulnerabilities, automated risk prioritization, and a shared responsibility model for effective remediation.

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Who we work with

Telecommunications Companies

Communication Service Providers

Cloud Service Providers

Satellite Operators

Content and Application Service Providers

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Success stories

We protect the largest organizations in the industry

One of the world's largest telecommunications companies has been using GitGuardian Secrets Detection since 2022 to protect its secrets. With 10,000 developers working on over 50,000 code repositories, the company struggled to prevent its secrets from being leaked. They chose GitGuardian for its scaling capabilities, superior pre-commit hooks, high-quality findings, ease of implementation, and customizable workflows.

Within months, this company went from experiencing security breaches to having zero hardcoded secrets. The incident Mean Time To Remediation (MTTR) dropped from an average of 52 days in the first year to only 7 days in the second year of using GitGuardian.

Hear how Bouygues Telecom, serving 15M customers, reduced their secrets by 60%

Olivier Ribardiere

Head of CI/CD & Frameworks

Security challenges faced by Communications Service Providers

Expanding attack surfaces

Due to the dynamic and complex nature of networks, CSPs' attack surfaces are constantly evolving, from legacy baseband units to cloud environments and edge computing across geographically dispersed locations.

Stringent regulations

The CSP industry is heavily regulated, with strict requirements around data protection, security, and the challenge of adhering to diverse regulations across multiple jurisdictions. Secrets are attackers' favorite attack vectors for breaching organizations' data.

Vulnerable interconnected systems

CSPs must avoid compromising secrets required by the many third-party services they rely on to maintain consistent security across hybrid environments and prevent attackers from intercepting or manipulating communications.

High-speed innovation

The fast-paced CSP industry may favor innovation over caution to maintain a competitive edge. Developers need governance and guardrails to minimize unsecured behaviors such as unmanaged use of AI-generated code, misuse of secret managers, and security misconfigurations in IaC.

Intellectual Property protection in a highly competitive environment

CSPs develop proprietary hardware designs, telecommunication standards, software, and algorithms to drive growth. When code security is breached, competitors can reverse-engineer solutions and circumvent existing patents, leading to IP theft.

How does GitGuardian help CSPs around the world?

Deploy with flexibility and scalability

Scalable monitoring: Monitor thousands of developers and repositories per instance in real-time, providing robust protection across large, decentralized development teams and expansive, geographically distributed infrastructures.

Flexible Deployment: Deploy in the Cloud or on-premises (including air-gapped environments) to support CSPs' evolving decentralized architecture and stringent regulatory requirements.

Enterprise-grade features: Support complex team structures, RBACs, audit logs, and extensive REST API and analytics integrations.

Identify and eliminate secrets exposure

Comprehensive detection: Detect and categorize over 420 types of secrets, including custom detectors for various third-party services CSPs use.

High precision and recall: Ensure accurate detection with low false positives and no missed secrets, which is crucial for maintaining security without overwhelming security teams with alerts.

Multiple VCS support: Detect secrets over all popular VCS, fulfilling market consolidation requirements. GitGuardian simultaneously supports any number of instances of, GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Server, Gitlab SaaS or on-premises (Self Managed and Dedicated), Azure Repos (Azure DevOps), or Bitbucket Data Center/Server.

Secrets detection beyond code: Monitor Slack, MS Teams, Jira, Confluence, and anywhere developers collaborate, for hardcoded secrets, correlating findings across sources, guiding remediation, and ensuring secrets are rotated and revoked.

Get instant notifications of potential breaches

Real-time alerts: Detect intrusions and obtain immediate alerts for any potential breaches or leaks around codebases, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery and minimal impact on customers.

Workflow integrations: Integrate real-time alerts to your security workflows without impacting team efficiency. GitGuardian integrates with any SIEM or incident management tools such as Splunk, PagerDuty, Slack, Discord, Jira.

Attack surface surveillance: Extend monitoring to parts of the attack surface that security teams don't control, such as developer activity across public GitHub, where most internal secrets are leaked.

Prioritize and remediate effortlessly at scale

Decentralized remediation workflows: Promote shared responsibility between engineering and security teams, enhancing collaboration, effectiveness, and efficiency in handling the volume and complexity of incidents.

Custom guidelines and teams: Create tailored incident access and remediation guidelines, adapting to the intricacies of both old and new technologies and systems.

Automated incident response: Leverage automated severity scoring, incident triage, and playbooks to streamline the remediation process, reduce Median Time to Remediate (MTTR), and coordinate incident response actions across distributed environments.

Protect the full Software Development LifeCycle

Shift-left prevention: Integrate GitGuardian seamlessly into developer workflows to catch secrets before they enter the codebase (client-side pre-commit hooks/pre-push, PRs), without adding security overhead.

Detect vulnerabilities at every stage of the SDLC: Identify and remediate vulnerabilities from local developer machines, VCS servers (pre-receive and post-receive hooks), the CI/CD pipeline (native support for all leader solutions), and Docker images.

Local blocker bypass: Allow developers to bypass local blockers if necessary, while security teams are notified. Centralized security functions won't become bottlenecks. Or adopt a no-exception policy according to your compliance requirements.

Get continuous support and training

Dedicated support: Get help from dedicated technical account managers, benefit from extensive compatibility testing, custom integration efforts, and phased deployments to ensure GitGuardian is adopted across the organization.

Custom training programs: Design training programs to meet CPS's specific needs, such as modules on telecom-specific vulnerabilities and threat vectors, bridging the gap between network operations and security principles, and ensuring the effective use of GitGuardian solutions.

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Integrations and partners




Azure Repos




Drone CI



Jenkins CI

Travis CI





















Enterprise-ready and committed to the telecommunications industry

SOC2 Compliance Badge



Telecommunications Act - Australia

Communications Act 2003 - UK

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - Europe

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - United States

Reach out to our CSP team today to begin securing your organization for a safer tomorrow.

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